Endowed Faculty Scholars
The quality of our faculty defines the School of Engineering.
Over the past 50 years, our faculty have pioneered world‐changing advances in information technology, biotechnology, environmental technologies and a host of other fields.
Today, the future is embodied in the work of early career faculty. Endowed faculty scholars honor these rising stars when they receive tenure by providing them with flexible funds they can use to launch projects, hire graduate students, or enhance labs. They see astonishing possibilities, and they have the intellectual rigor and enthusiasm to make them real.
In a fast‐moving discipline like engineering, the best way for the school to ensure high‐quality scholarship in new areas is to have the resources to hire, develop and retain young faculty members. Donors who endow faculty scholar funds make this possible.
An endowed faculty scholar fund can be established with a gift of $4 million.

“When donors make these gifts, I don’t know if they anticipate the impact they will have on people’s lives. I don’t think I could have kicked off my group’s work without these funds.”
Jelena Vuckovic, Electrical Engineering Chair